Alba Cortés with 21 years is the third time that is presented to ‘La Voz’ and it seems that the saying becomes a reality: the third is overcome.
And she has to act at one of the most difficult moments of ‘La Voz’ with the teams almost completely.
She has to overcome the nerves that have always played past bad.
Alba gets all coaches to turn, although Malú has blocked Fonsi.

Alejandro apologizes for not turning around.
Fonsi asks him if he always sings rock and Paul if he has some band.
Everyone recommends that he does not stop.
Away Sanz is justified: ” It is one of those things that happen in that program, we heard so many people and, sometimes, we do not realize the magic ‘.’

Luis Jiménez de Badajoz was very nervous playing a song ‘How To Save A Life’ of the The Fray group, but it has something in the particular voice.
Malú: ” It’s not the song that favors you the most.
You have something hidden in your voice and we will discover it and work together. ”

He is a sportsman.
The disappointments that he has taken in his life made him begin to compose and sing for his father who always.
She died in 2019. ” She was the most similar person, “he confesses the contestant.
” My personality has been formed around my father, and he today he will be proud.
Now, my grandfather has become my manager. ” Pablo turns.
Maria is nervous, but with the chorus she leaves her the best of her.
She has played a song from Rozalen, ‘how to kiss you, talk about HIV.
Pablo: ” I have come out of the interpretation of him and I am happy that you are on my team.
Can you sing something to Capela? ”
Maria leaves all speechless with her song.
She is inside!

The coaches leave the set and occupy their chairs while aspirants try to temper their nerves before the challenge in front of them.

Malú just gave birth to his last album: ‘Thousand battles’.
Three years it has been slow to elaborate this album in which the battle harder to rid has been against herself.
Is she going to relive those feelings tonight?
We only have a few minutes left to discover it!

Alejandro Sanz, Malú, Luis Fonsi and Pablo Alborán close their teams in the last program of blind auditions.
There are only nine vacancies left for the aspirants.
The struggle is complicated, especially for Alejandro Sanz who only remains a contestant.
The most fortunate are Pablo and Malú who still have three gaps on their teams.

FONSI: ” I miss voices on my latin flavor ”, while Pablo Alboranestá looking for an artist with a more emotional voice and a personality that does not forget.
For her part Alejandro Sanz believes that if there is an artist that comes you, you do not have to wait for the button.
Malú is nervous and expectant.

The contestages in the nerve backstage, illusion and emotion to Raudales.

We start in an hour!