The first heat wave of summer 2021 has started this Wednesday in Spain, as far as the Meteorology State Agency (AEMET) has qualified as a “very adverse” episode, which will probably be extended until next Monday.

As explained to Europe Press the spokesman for the State Agency of Meteorology (AEMET), Rubén del Campo, the day on Tuesday, took place in general with cloudy skies by the presence of suspension dust and medium and high clouds, which did not prevent it from being reached.
39 degrees in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) and in Almadén (real city).

Although rainfall was generally scarce, on Tuesday there were some intense storms, especially in the south of Navarra and the province of Huesca, where they were accompanied by large hail.

This dawn on Wednesday has been very hot.
At six o’clock in the morning, 22 degrees were surpassed in cities such as Zaragoza, Madrid, Barcelona or Valencia, and were above 24 degrees in Seville, Jaén, Almería, Murcia, Alicante or Palma de Mallorca.

“A very warm night, an early morning very warm as a pistolletazo to the heat wave that will last until Monday and that will affect a good part of the peninsula and the Balearic Islands, except Galicia and Cantabrian regions. Canarias will be on the sides until the weekend
, but from Saturday the temperatures will also be very high in the archipelago, “advanced from the field.

In this heat wave, as it has highlighted, the 40 degrees will be overcome from this Wednesday in large areas of the East, Centro and south of the Peninsula, as well as Points of Balearic.
This will happen, according to the zones, until Sunday or Monday.

Regarding Thursday, it has warned that it is probably 42 degrees at points in the northeast, especially in the Ebro and Interior Valley of Catalonia and, mainly, in the areas closest to the Ebro River and in the central depression of Lleida E
Even in South Pyrenean valleys.
“In the high days of the heat wave,” Viernes, Saturday and Sunday – in the Guadalquivir Valley, it could even be around or exceed 44 degrees, “he has underlined.

At night it is possible that torrid nights are registered.
This is the name of those in which the minimum temperature does not fall from 25 degrees and this will occur mainly in the Basin of the Ebro, a center and half south and especially in large cities, where the city itself generates higher temperatures than in its surroundings, which in its environment,
A phenomenon known as ‘urban heat island’.

In addition, the heat wave is accompanied by suspended dust, since the mass of air that affects Spain previously will have traveled northern Africa, warming up significantly and charging that mineral powder in suspension.

It is possible, on the other hand, that during these hot days, some clouds of evolution grow from mid-morning at points of the interior that could even lead to storms, usually with very little precipitation or even dried, but they will have an electrical appliance and
that could locally give rise to strong windows.

“Both factors – suspension dust and cloud – generate some uncertainty regarding the prognosis of temperatures, but in any case, both diurnas and nightlife will be very high, extreme, unusual for this time of year,” Ha
manifested from the field.

In most of the peninsula, saved on the banks of the Cantabrian and also in Baleares, the maximum temperatures will be from Thursday and until Sunday between 5 and 10 degrees above normal for these dates and even more than 10 degrees above
Of those normal values at points of the northeast and of the southern half.

“Although minimum temperatures generally do not normally deviate both with respect to normal in heat wave situations, this time they will also be between 5 and 10 degrees above normal for the time in many areas of the peninsula”
, Specified.

As for the Canary Islands, it has noted that a climb of temperatures will begin on Thursday, which will be intensified on Friday and will make it starting on Saturday, throughout the weekend and first days of next week, temperatures are registered very
Elevated in the archipelago, with more than 35 degrees at many points of the islands and minimum temperatures also very hot.

Regarding the end of the heat wave, it has pointed out that “there is still some uncertainty yet and it seems that it will not occur in all areas simultaneously.”
Sunday possibly lower temperatures in the peninsular northern third, but relief will not yet be noticed in most of Spain and could even rest something the heat at points of the Peninsular Mediterranean and Balearic Islands.

On Monday they could lower temperatures in the north, west and Mediterranean peninsular area.
In the Guadalquivir Valley and Southeast Points, the heat would continue to be extreme, very intense.
Already on Tuesday it seems that the heat wave could be terminated in general, with high temperatures, but not so much, with more bearable and more normal values in general.

As a result of very high maximum temperatures, during these days, orange level notices (important risk) and red level (extreme risk) associated with these high temperatures in numerous regions of the country will appear.

It will be necessary to have caution with the ultraviolet radiation index which, as usual by these dates, shows very high or extreme values in almost the whole country.
In addition, the suspension dust will worsen air quality and fire a fire will be triggered, which will also be extreme in large areas of the territory.
“We are, therefore, before a very adverse episode, not only by high temperatures, so we have to extreme all precautions,” he concluded.