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The singer Raquel del Rosario, he has shared with his followers that his eldest son, five years old, has an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). “Leo he didn’t say a word until almost the four years . Yes, that’s the first ‘mommy’ we did a lot of praying. From the two years I knew that Leo was different, he loved to lie down face-up large amounts of time self-absorbed , seemed to be watching a movie on the ceiling, sometimes smiling and seemed to interact with something”, begins by explaining the canaria. Del Rosario and her husband then decided to go to a specialized center where they gave them to the diagnosis and advised them to enter into a program for children with ASD.

The Autism Spectrum Disorders are a group of conditions characterized by some degree of alteration of social behaviour , the communication and language , and by a repertoire of interests and activities restricted, stereotyped and repetitive, according to the WHO.

In most cases are manifested in the first 5 years life and persist into adulthood. The intellectual level varies considerably from one case to another, ranging from profound impairment to cases with cognitive skills high.+

it Is estimated that 1 of every 160 children has an ASD . This estimate represents an average figure, since the observed prevalence varies considerably between the different studies.

do Not know the exact cause of the autism, although the scientific evidence available indicates the existence of multiple factors, including genetic and environmental, that make it more likely that a child might have an ASD. What is clear is that vaccines do not cause autism.

autism may be a consequence of the interruption of the normal development of the brain in an early stage of fetal development caused by defects in genes that control brain growth and that regulate how neurons communicate between them, explains the University Clinic of Navarra into your website.

No cure to ASD but it is very important for an early detection, since this helps the children to improve their skills and learn new skills.

From the Confederation of Autism Spain collected the main warning signs in the development according to the age, but remember that at any time there may be the signs established in previous stages.

To 12 months of age :

-do Not babble.

-does Not use gestures like waving, pointing to ask for something or show objects.

-does Not recognize his name or respond when called.

-is Not interested or is involved in interactive games simple, such as “peek-a-following” or similar.

Between 12 and 18 months of age :

-does Not say single words.

-does Not respond to his name.

-Presents a limited use or decreased the eye contact.

-Absence of babbling, social/communicative as if talk with the adult.

-no imitation-spontaneous.

-does Not point to “ask for something” (protoimperativo).

-does Not look where others point.

-No teaches or shows objects.

-you Can manifest an unusual response to auditory stimuli.

-Lack of interest in interactive games such as the simple “peek-a-following” or similar.

by 24 months of age :

-it does Not say sentences of two or more words, which are spontaneous and not only repeats what he has heard to others.

-Has difficulty maintaining eye contact when spoken to, and does not follow objects with the eyes.

-it is Not implied in shared games, and can’t seem to enjoy the relationship shared with other people.

it is Also recommended a comprehensive assessment of the development if at any age it seems that the child or the child loses skills that had already been made, such as babbling or first words.

From Autism Spain remember that these factors, in isolation, does not imply that the child or the child has ASD . About signs that should alert families and professionals to the risk of a disorder of this type in the development, and to promote the referral to a specialist to confirm or discard.