A 17-year-old girl who had been missing for 24 hours was found dead on Wednesday in the storage room of a home in the Murcian town of Totana, made by the one who has been arrested, as alleged author of homicide, his former sentimental partner, of 19

According to EFE sources of the Civil Guard, the death of this minor is being investigated as a case of gender violence, although they do not constitute previous complaints.

The family of the young woman denounced her disappearance on Tuesday and her corpse has been located on the storage room of the young man, located in a block known as the Quesito, on Rambla de la Santa Avenue, a central area of the population, over the
Three and a half of this morning with wounds by white weapon in various parts of the body, according to sources close to research.

Totana City Council will declare this Wednesday an official mourning day for this crime, that if it is confirmed as a case of macho violence would be the third death victim in Spain this 2022 and 1,129 since January 1, 2003.

Both the victim and the alleged author of homicide are Spanish of South American origin.
The minor would be the first mortal victim for macho violence this year in Murcia, and the first victim of the age of 16 and 17 years old.

The mayor of the town, Pedro José Sánchez, will preside at 12:00, at the doors of the town hall, a citizen concentration to condemn this foreseeable case of macho violence and keep a minute of silence in memory of the victim, he has informed
EFE the consistory.

Municipal sources have confirmed Europe Press that the victim was not the user of the specialized care center for women victims of violence (CAVI) or constant complaints.

The rising of the corpse of the minor has occurred minutes before eight in the morning for transfer to the Institute of Legal Medicine where the autopsy will be performed.

The victims of macho violence and their surroundings can request assistance 24 hours a day through telephone 016, the email 016-online@iguality.gob.es and the number of whatsapp 600 000 016.

In an emergency situation, you can call 112 or the emergency telephones of the National Police (091) and the Civil Guard (062) and, when the call is impossible, you can resort to the ARERTCOPS application, from which
An alert signal will be sent to the police with geolocation.