The Public Health Commission has given green light on Tuesday to the administration of a reinforcement dose of the VACCO-19 vaccine to those over 70 years after October 25, and those over 65 when they have reached six months
of the complete guideline.

Autonomous sources of the meeting held today between health technicians and communities have confirmed it to this newspaper, which they have detailed that vaccination against the Covid will be administered “in paragraph” to the flu vaccine.
According to the same sources, the agreement has been reached by the votes in favor of 12 communities, while five have abstained and two have voted against: Madrid and Galicia.

Sources of the Madrid community aim that its refusal responds to the current moment, it does not agree to do so now “because this moment there is no scientific evidence to administer the dose of memory.”
Madrid and Galicia, based on the effectiveness data of the vaccine in these age groups at present, submitted by the presentation of vaccines, which coincide with the estimate of the Community of Madrid, consider that there is no emergency in administering
The dose of memory.
“At this time it is important to start the flu vaccination campaign at the top of 65 years old,” they point out from Madrid’s counseling.

The decision is supported by the recommendation that has already made the European Medicine Agency (EMA).
And on which some experts have already pronounced, as Amos García Rojas, president of the Spanish Association of Vaccunology (AEV), who by knowing the passage of the regulatory entity pointed out yesterday that “immunosenescence makes it in the older population
Yes, there is a third dose in the medium term, but all with prudence. ”

In this sense, Jaime Jesús Pérez, a preventive physician also in the AEV, explains the value that this step has: “It is about avoiding hospitalizations, serious cases and deaths. And this has been seen that it is achieved in these people with
The additional and in some cases in the older ones. In the rest of the population the ‘Defenses’ remain more time. We are seeing it in its own studies that we have in progress, just as others have shown that they are published. ”

This step is part of what healing has communicated today as a new phase of the vaccination strategy.
The Ministry has let out the need to start two new stages.
There will be a first, more predictable, “stabilization” or incorporation of population to the already established groups, where the population that progressively has progressively reaching 12 years of age.

The second possibilities should be considered: the vaccination of the child population (under 12 years);
Administration of additional doses or dose of souvenir in concrete population groups, including vaccinations with adenovirus platform vaccines (heterologous guidelines);
the administration of new vaccines;
or the need to vaccinate in front of new variants of SARS-COV-2.

For this reason, health will have more than 3.8 million doses of Pfizer-Biontech in a state of ultra-freezing.
The Ministry must have facilities for this purpose, given that, on the one hand, there are scheduled punctual deliveries of this amount of vaccine dose that can not currently be received by the autonomous health authorities, and, on the other, it is necessary to maintain this volume
of vaccines in a centralized stock, in order to guarantee the adequate development of the state vaccination strategy.

Currently, Health has at its disposal the facilities of the Ministry of Defense, which allow the storage in the ultra-freezing of 449,280 doses of Pfizer-Biontech vaccines.