Erfurt (dpa/th) – According to the Ministry of the Environment, a total of 2.1 million euros was made available last year for educational and adventure offers by municipalities in nature parks and biosphere reserves in Thuringia. Among other things, adventure trails for children, insect nature trails or bird protection projects were financed from this, the ministry announced on Tuesday.

One focus was on the so-called Green Belt along the former inner-German border. A total of around 70 projects were supported, involving 56 municipalities and 12 associations.

As an example, the ministry cited the memorial park in Vacha and the “Peace Trail”, a hiking route on which escape stories are to be made visible. In addition, a former border tower is to be used for species protection and offer birds a retreat. This year and next, 28 projects along the Green Belt are to benefit. 1.3 million euros are available for this.