Erfurt (dpa/th) – The Leipzig association “Saida International” estimates the number of women and girls in Thuringia who are affected or at risk of genital mutilation at around 1,300. “Society must know that this form of violence in Germany, in Thuringia , is relevant so that help can be provided,” said managing director Simone Schwarz on Wednesday in Erfurt.

As part of a specialist day, medical and educational staff were informed about the practice of genital mutilation and offers to support girls and women. Based on figures from the Federal Statistical Office, Saida assumes that there are almost 32,000 girls at risk and over 70,000 women affected throughout Germany.

“Affected women often live among us unnoticed. They rarely ask for help for themselves and their daughters,” said Schwarz. Only informed specialists can identify problems and offer help. At the moment, however, there is often still uncertainty and ignorance.

According to its own statements, the counseling center looked after around 200 women this year. “The more people are informed about the background of this traditional violence, the sooner we can protect girls in Germany effectively and offer the women affected support,” said Schwarz.

Female genital mutilation is a practice that is particularly widespread in Africa and the Arabian Peninsula, but also in Indonesia in Southeast Asia. The external genitals are partially or completely removed – in the most severe form, the vaginal entrance is almost completely sewn up. For those affected, the massive and life-threatening violence has serious and often lifelong consequences, both physical and psychological.

In Germany, the practice has been a crime since 2013, punishable by up to 15 years in prison. However, the girls and women themselves are victims who can get help and do not have to fear punishment. Victims can get support from the nationwide “Violence against Women” helpline on the free number 08000 116 016.