Jena (dpa/th) – With a delay of around two years, the construction of a new research center began on Friday in Jena with the groundbreaking ceremony. In the “Balance of the Microverse” project, scientists will investigate microorganisms and their relationship to their environment, as the Friedrich Schiller University announced. The Free State of Thuringia is funding this new research building with around 22.6 million euros from the state budget. In addition, there are 20.6 million euros of federal funds from the Higher Education Pact 2020 and the University of Jena’s own funds of 7.2 million euros.

The research network is one of the 57 excellence clusters selected in 2018 in the federal and state excellence strategy, which will be funded for seven years. In the Jena network, the University of Jena cooperates with its clinic and non-university research institutions.

According to the university, the aim of the cluster of excellence is to gain a profound understanding of the interactions of microorganisms with each other and with other living beings. With almost 5000 square meters of floor space, the Microverse Center Jena will become the new heart of the Cluster of Excellence. It is designed for 170 scientists and 30 non-scientific employees. In addition, 35 jobs are planned for doctoral students and guest scientists.

Researchers from disciplines such as microbiology, infection biology, bioinformatics and medicine as well as other disciplines will work together in the center.