Erfurt (dpa/th) – According to Minister of Culture Benjamin-Immanuel Hoff (left), Thuringia’s cultural institutions are facing a difficult energy situation. Therefore, on Wednesday he urgently called on all cultural institutions to make significant energy savings and to develop precautions for energy interruptions and emergency plans, as the State Chancellery announced. The aim must be to maintain a basic cultural offer for as long as possible – even with any restrictions.

It is important that all Thuringian museums take the possible consequences of an energy shortage seriously, explained the minister. That is why the museum association, in consultation with the state chancellery, has developed recommendations for action that should serve as a guide for the next steps. “We very much hope that an emergency scenario will not arise in the first place, but we ask all members to prepare thoroughly for this eventuality,” said Hoff.

Among other things, it is recommended that sensitive collections in museums be clarified as to whether there are any alternative options if the heating system threatens to fail. It is also about how possible frost damage can be avoided. According to the recommendations, personnel planning should also be adjusted to ensure the implementation of emergency plans.