Jena (dpa/th) – Jena should further distinguish itself in the research of infectious diseases and the development of diagnostic methods. In the Thuringian city, one of the German strongholds of the optical industry, the focus is on the use of light-based technologies, the Leibniz Institute for Photonic Technologies announced on Thursday after a visit by Federal Research Minister Bettina Stark-Watzinger (FDP).

In cooperation with the Schiller University of Jena and other research institutions in the city, the development times for market-ready diagnostic solutions are to be significantly reduced.

“The corona pandemic has shown us how important excellent infection research is. So that Germany can continue to expand its leading position in this field in the future, we want to found the Leibniz Center for Photonics in infection research,” said the minister according to the announcement. An interaction of optical technologies, artificial intelligence and medical technology is planned.