Erfurt (dpa/th) – The property prices for one- and two-family houses have skyrocketed in Thuringia. Last year, a square meter of undeveloped land in Bavaria cost an average of 59 euros, according to the real estate market report presented in Erfurt on Wednesday. This corresponds to an increase of 23 percent compared to 2020.

The highest prices were therefore in urban locations such as Jena (442 euros / square meter), Erfurt (300 euros / square meter) and Weimar (253 / square meter). It was cheapest for builders in the district of Sonneberg at EUR 30 per square meter and in the district of Hildburghausen at EUR 25 per square meter.

The average purchase price for detached one- and two-family houses was 129,000 euros in Thuringia. This is an increase of around twelve percent compared to the previous year. The range extends from 65,000 euros in Hildburghausen to 480,000 euros in Jena.

In the case of undeveloped land for apartment buildings as well as residential and commercial buildings, the nationwide average purchase price was 68 euros per square meter. According to the report, this is an increase of around eleven percent compared to 2020.

According to State Secretary for Infrastructure Barbara Schönig, there were more than 61,000 property transactions in Thuringia in 2020 and 2021. Sales of space increased by 18.7 percent to EUR 7.3 billion during this period. This means that Thuringia has a robust real estate market.

The current real estate market report has only been published digitally for the first time. All data can be accessed online. Thuringia is only the second federal state to take this step, it said.