The lawyers in front of prisons recognised that they were part of ETA and / or collaborated with ellaTxapote, sentenced to 33 years for the murder of prison official Máximo Casado in 2000La Hearing relaxes the conviction of four eta members welcomed to the route Nanclares

eta sorry Javier Aguirre Ibáñez and Marta Igarriz Iceta will come out of the prison of Logroño to make a cultural visit and will return to dine and sleep at the prison on the same day. So what he has authorized the judge of enforcement of sentences of the National court, José Luis Castro , in two separate cars dated yesterday, 3 October.

In the judicial decisions, which have accessed ABC, the judge authorizes a scheduled departure of the domestic, always accompanied and monitored . Esteem as well a complaint from the penitentiary centre of Logroño, whose board of treatment supported the departure of the convicts, which seeks to “consolidate its positive evolution” in the discharge of their respective sentences for collaboration with the terrorist band ETA.

Both prisoners have rejected violence and have recognised the damage caused to the victims, as reflected in the judge’s car. Despite the fact that the board’s treatment of the prison passed its output, it was denied on the 23rd of September by the General Secretariat of Penitentiary Institutions , which depends on the Ministry of the Interior Fernando Grande-Marlaska.

Now, the judge gives the final green light to the output, which will consist of several activities of a cultural nature, together with other prisoners, and social workers . Castro relies on article 114 of the prison rules, which allows the outputs programmed to perform specific activities of treatment. This is one of the measures that you can apply to a judge of surveillance to encourage -and test – the transit of the prisoner towards rehabilitation, whenever you go to demonstrating good conduct. This is not a permit nor a regular program of treatment outside the prison facility, other measures that help to push in that direction.

The Prosecution does not object

The two collaborators of ETA repentant are classified as second degree, with a quarter of the sentence fulfilled and “your evolution level tratamental is positive”, argues the judge. The Otp not opposed to the scheduled departure and the collective of victims and ensured that they realize that any victim wants to know the state prison for two inmates, to which they are entitled through the Office of Assistance to Victims.

The etarra Javier Aguirre , sentenced to six years and six months in prison by relying on ETA to dodge to the Spanish Justice, and take refuge in Belgium, was returned to the prison of Logroño last February. The convicted of terrorism Martha Igarriz -stayed at a residence to three eta members of the command Amaiur in 2004 and kept a backpack with explosives – was transferred to the same prison in October 2018. She was sentenced to fifteen years, after that the Justice considered to be proven that he helped the terrorists, being aware of the material transporting, which included explosives and other weapons, the shield in a garage of his family,

In a paper written last August, Aguirre said that he recognized the pain that their past activity has caused . “I hope that this unequivocal recognition can serve to the extent possible to mitigate the suffering generated to the victims. Victims to that there is no way I am indifferent, since I am not oblivious to the pain and suffering they have endured,” the letter said of Aguirre, who had a pending lawsuit for damages by terrorists when he tried to outwit the Justice in the past.

Igarriz did the same in another letter. “I am aware of, either by my actions or expressions, I have been able to cause harm and pain to other people, so that I recognize in a sincere way the damage that could have caused it, and my decision to work for that not occur again in similar situations”. The magistrate notes that the inmate is actively involved with the “dynamic modular” in the centre, fulfilling the tasks entrusted to him, has successfully participated in several workshops on preparation for life in freedom, and attends daily at a ceramics workshop, with interest.