We are not alone in the Universe, and authorities are covering up evidence of the existence of extraterrestrials, including debris from an unidentified object. That’s what a former intelligence officer told a US congressional committee. On Wednesday, July 26, David Grusch assured that he was “absolutely” convinced that the United States was in possession of a UFO (unidentified flying object), now designated as a UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomenon) by American authorities.

Pressed with questions during this hearing, the former agent indicated that he could not say more in public, regarding classified data. According to him, the US government hides information from the public but also from Congress. However, he claims to have been able to interview “personally” individuals who had direct knowledge of the existence of this non-terrestrial flying object.

“This testimony is based on information given to me by individuals with a known track record of legitimacy and service to this country. Many have shared compelling evidence with me, in the form of photographs, official documents and oral testimony covered in secrecy,” he said.

The former military intelligence officer was being questioned by a House of Representatives committee on national security issues, as were two former pilots, who say they observed anomalous phenomena.

Tim Burchett, elected Republican, gave his support to the three men, assuring that it was time to lift the veil of secrecy on this affair. Asked about the possibility of the existence of extraterrestrial life, John Kirby, spokesman for the National Security Council, attached to the White House, declared on Wednesday that he had no position on the question.

Sean Kirkpatrick, head of the Pentagon’s unit responsible for investigating these phenomena and the national security risks they pose, said in April that the office “did not detect any credible evidence of extraterrestrial activity, non-terrestrial technology or objects defying the laws of physics”.

However, the US government takes these phenomena seriously. NASA recently called for more efforts to study them scientifically, as did the Pentagon, which is concerned about possible Chinese spy activities.