Each day that passes allows you to measure a little larger the magnitude of the explosion of economic collapses is currently on the country. This Thursday, the unemployment insurance has published its new financial forecast for the end of 2020. And they are, without surprise, catastrophic, the worst he has ever known. Its deficit, which was down at the end of December to 900 million after the score made last February before switching back in the green in 2021, will explode to reach not less than… to 25.7 billion euros, of the “never before seen” very far from the record of $ 5 billion observed chronically after the financial crisis!

see also : La France va-t-it really remove at least 800,000 jobs?

“Since mid-march, the balance of the unemployment insurance has a gradient of 11.5 billion euros,” explained the office of the national association, which welcomes, however, have “fully played its role of stabilising the economy and social” during the crisis and anticipates a worsening of its cash for the coming months. It must be said that the regime turns to bottom for the past three months, “performing all or part of the income of more than 3 million unemployed and 9 million people in work partial, in April 2020, at the height of the crisis”. Its annual expenditure avoisineraient the $ 59 billion this year, up 43 % compared to 2019 for recipes that plafonneraient at $ 33 billion, showing a decrease of 16 % year on year.

as a Result, the debt of the Unedic will also fly away to achieve the 63.1 billion at the end of the year, which is double or less of what was expected, there are yet four months, with the last revision of the financial forecasts. “For 52 %, this growth in debt is related to the funding of the part-time workers, 29% of the increase in spending on unemployment benefit and to 19 % in the reports of assessment and other lesser resources related to the employment decline,” says the plan, which anticipates 900.000 jobs employees over the year and not less than 630.000 additional job seekers to compensate.

The editorial team conseilleL’Unédic anticipates “900.000 jobs destroyed,” the end of 2020 compared to the end of 2019La France is 7 times less money on the table as Germany for 2 times more economic damage?SujetsCrise FinancièrePrévisions FinancièresAssurance-chômage4 commentairesArtCelticle 19/06/2020 08:17

the only solution, increase contributions and reduction of benefits….

jpmarinle 19/06/2020 at 08:03 pm

C is obvious with the part-time unemployment

anonymele 18/06/2020 22:40

so far, the posted workers, and especially farmers, have been flocking to do the work here nobody wants to do …

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