A 13-year-old boy from Ohio (United States) has died after taking a high dose of Benadryl to do a TikTok challenge, according to CNN.

The little boy, named Jacob Stevens, was with some friends at home when, in an attempt to join the challenge, he ingested this antihistamine. After being transferred to a hospital in the area, where he has been for a week, he was admitted connected to a respirator, and finally died.

According to the Fox chain, the ‘challenge’ that circulates on TikTok consists of ingesting between 12 and 14 Benadryl pills to supposedly have hallucinations, but the dose is well above what is recommended and had a fatal result for Jacob. His friends, who were next to him, were recording him on video when the little boy began to convulse and they ran out “scared”, according to what Diana Stevens, the little boy’s grandmother, told this television channel.

The woman assures that the family had seen a change in Jacob’s behavior for some time, since he spent a lot of time consuming videos on this application.

For its part, TikTok has conveyed its “deepest condolences” to the family and has condemned these practices on its platform.

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