At least 21 people have died in Mississippi (United States) during the passage of a tornado late this Friday.

The tornado has traveled 160 kilometers destroying buildings and interrupting electrical service. As if that were not enough, its passage has come just after an extreme weather event that produced hail the size of golf balls and forced the authorities to alert the population of a “lethal risk situation.”

The most affected county has been Sharkey, where at least 13 people have died. Carroll and Humphreys counties have also been affected, recording three deaths each.

Two other people have died in Monroe County, according to estimates made by various forensic departments to the US chain CNN.

In any case, the death toll could increase given the magnitude of the event. Currently, several search and rescue operations are underway in Sharkey and Humphreys counties.

For its part, the town of Rolling Fork, with 2,500 inhabitants, “has been practically devastated,” according to Todd Terrell, president of the United Cajun Navy humanitarian organization. The municipality of Silver City, with 340 inhabitants and the scene of enormous damage, has also been badly affected.

“This reminds me of the Joplin tornado,” Terrell added, referring to the tornado that in 2011 left 161 dead.

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