“I come to see Urdangarin!”

once you overcome the initial nerves and with Iñaki Urdangarin is already in the interior of the center, the director of the Home Don Orione, Francisco Sanchez , has appeared before the media to explain the tasks that will develop from now on “the high guapete”, as we affectionately have been nicknamed by one of the residents.

“it’s Going to provide support to the units of mobility, psychomotor, and physical therapy”, has confirmed the president of the Home Orione, who has also indicated that Urdangarin will be between five or six hours in the center Tuesdays and Thursdays , since the rest of the permit will be used in the displacement from the prison of Brieva. Yes, by the time you do not know how long it will remain as a volunteer although it has nuanced that “you can be all the time you want.”

upon arrival, the team of the institution has received the husband of the Infanta, with which you have maintained a meeting and who would have provided the kit for the volunteer”, which consists of a t-shirt and an id, where is printed a vignette of Forges in tribute to the volunteers.

Good reception

In the same way, Sanchez has revealed that, nothing more to get, the users of this center, the disabled, intellectuals with a high degree of dependence, have been received with open arms the new volunteer: “You have risen up the table to meet him and one of them, even, has said that it wants to “guapete high” [by Urdangarin] to assist them in their unity.” Workers, for their part, will have received normally.

from now on, Urdangarin will return to this center located in the Colonia of los Angeles, in the madrid town of Pozuelo, every Tuesday and Thursday and, as remarked the director of the same, you will have “freedom of movement” and may even receive visits or go out to eat, as occurs with other volunteers.

will Eat there next to the rest of the staff, well with the food that he brings or with the that there are offers, and also could, in the words of the director, leave the premises of the centre, although they usually do so by developing the own work of the volunteers. It is common for volunteers to accompany walking tours of the area to the more than one hundred inmates.