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The Court of enforcement of sentences 1 of Castile and León has estimated the resource made by Iñaki Urdangarin in relation to the possibility of exit to carry out a program of specialized care outside of the Penitentiary Centre of Ávila, where he is serving sentence. In this way, authorizes the husband of the Infanta Cristina to perform two departures to the week of the women’s prison of Brieva, where he is currently serving a sentence, to develop a volunteer program at a religious institution in Madrid.

According to the judge Florencio Marcos Madruga in the car, the realization of u na activity in the outside is more positive to reduce or eliminate the desocialización and dehumanization” of the prisoner , and in addition, he adds, “you connect with something essential in any program of treatment, to promote self-esteem.” It is intended with this measure, also says the judge, “to avoid isolation and its harmful effect” on the defendant, that at this time is in the regime of the second degree.

Specifies the auto Iñaki Urdangarin will be volunteering “in the field of disability”, which “involves in itself an element of assumption of values pro-social”. “In the field of economic crime, whose axis is the selfishness, the eagerness for excessive profit, in addition to the disregard of the interests of the community, making contact with real life, with the problems of others (volunteering) co-operates to generate an element of awareness of the transcendence of one’s own criminal conduct”, justifies, and adds that in the report of pedagogical punishable reflected that he had “developed occasionally collaborative activities with people at risk of exclusion”.

Added the resolution that only in three other previous occasions, the Prison Administration has found itself in the predicament of having to resort to “so exceptional measure permanent.” It was about two lifers who had that in their day had high responsibilities in the Security of the State: two cases in the Prison of Avila and one in the Penitentiary Centre in Segovia.

The former duke of Palma, entered June 18, 2018 in the prison of Brieva to serve the sentence of five years and ten months that he was sentenced by the judge for various crimes of corruption inside of the case Noos. Two months later, in August, obtained the above-mentioned second-degree prison.

The court of enforcement of sentences has been estimated the appeal presented by the Urdangarin to be able to perform outputs to carry out a program of specialized care outside of the Penitentiary Centre of Ávila, under article 117 of the Prison Rules, without questioning their classification in the second degree.

according to the same sources, “the situation of isolation as a form of compliance in which we find the appellant is not the fruit of your choice, but the decision of the prison authorities. It is not the will of the internal that determines prison compliance, a finding which, again, corresponds to the Administration”.