Six individuals have developed a rare blood clot disease after the vaccination.

The FDA and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention declared Tuesday that they’re calling for an immediate pause on the usage of this single-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine following detecting six instances in the USA of a rare and severe kind of blood clot which developed approximately two weeks after the vaccine has been administered in those patients.

“Security is a top priority for the national authorities,” acting FDA Commissioner Dr. Janet Woodcock told colleagues at a digital reality briefing, adding that although the blood clots have been”extremely rare” the government was acting”from an abundance of caution”

[The] FDA will review analysis because it also arouses these scenarios.”

Federal health officials said that they thought the recommended dip in J&J vaccinations wasn’t expected to continue long.

“The interval will be determined by what we know within the upcoming few days. But we anticipate it for a matter of days with this pause,” Woodcock said.

Over 6.8 million doses of this J&J vaccine have been researched in the USA.

Many nations, including New York and California, in addition to CVS, Walgreens, Rite Aid and Krogers, declared they’d stop administering the J&J vaccine instantly.

Marks stated at this time that it’s not clear there is any link with girls taking birth control.

The CDC and the FDA reported that they’re reviewing data between these six instances — all of that happened among girls between the ages of 18 and 48 — at which symptoms happened between six to 13 times when they were vaccinated using the Johnson & Johnson disease.

“In such instances, a kind of blood clot called cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) was found together with elevated levels of blood platelets (thrombocytopenia),” the announcement read. “Treatment of the particular kind of blood clot differs from the treatment which may normally be treated. Normally, an anticoagulant medication called heparin is used as a treatment for blood clots. Within this setting, management of heparin might be harmful, and other treatments have to be given.

“Individuals who’ve obtained the J&J vaccine that create acute pain, abdominal pain, leg pain, or shortness of breath over three weeks following vaccination should contact their healthcare provider.

“Right now, I want to highlight these events seem to be quite rare,” Woodcock said. “But, COVID-19 vaccine security is a high priority for the national government, and we take all reports of adverse events after vaccination, quite seriously.”

FDA leadership worried that this pause can help health professionals have enough time to comprehend possible indicators of blood flow.

Dr. Anne Schuchat, the CDC’s principal deputy manager, cautioned that the acute headaches and other symptoms that individuals and healthcare providers will need to be aware of could differ from the flu-like symptoms found after vaccinations.

“While those events are extremely rare, we are advocating a pause in the usage of this J&J COVID-19 vaccine so as to ready the medical system to recognize and treat patients and also to report acute events that they could be visiting in people who get the J&J vaccine,” Schuchat said.

“We are dedicated to an expeditious review of the available info, and also to an aggressive outreach to clinicians so that they understand how to diagnose and cure” these responses, Schuchat said.

“The security and well-being of all the men and women using our products is our number one priority. We discuss all negative reports about people getting our COVID-19 vaccine, together with our evaluation of those reports, together with health authorities according to regulatory criteria,” explained Johnson & Johnson. “We’re mindful that thromboembolic events such as individuals with thrombocytopenia have been reported by COVID-19 vaccines. At the moment, no clear causal connection was established between these infrequent occurrences and the Janssen COVID-19 vaccine. We continue to cooperate with regulators and experts to evaluate the information and encourage the open communication of the information to health care professionals and the general public.”

It was just last Friday the Europe’s drug regulator European Medicines Agency (EMA) stated that it had been looking into Johnson & Johnson’s shot blood clots, according to Reuters.

In general, four severe instances of uncommon blood clots with reduced platelets — among which was fatal — have been reported in Europe following inoculation using Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine out of the Janssen device, the European Medicines Agency said.

“This statement is not going to have a considerable effect on the vaccination program,” White House COVID-19 answer planner Jeff Zients stated in a statement. “Johnson & Johnson vaccine constitutes less than 5% of those listed shots in arms from the United States thus far. According to action taken by the President earlier this season, the USA has procured enough Pfizer and Moderna doses for 300 million Americans,” he worried.

The Pentagon has announced it’s pausing the usage of this J&J vaccine depending on the CDC and FDA guidelines.

It was relying upon the J&J vaccine to assist with vaccinations of families and troops based abroad since it is a lot easier to ship and store.