The United States may transfer to the air bases of Morón de la Frontera (Seville) and Rota (Cádiz) to up to 4,000 Afghan refugees under the Agreement achieved with the Spanish Government, according to government sources to Europe Press.

The agreement, a result of the telephone conversation maintained by the president of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and the American president Joe Biden, on Saturday, foresees the transfer of collaborators from the United States to both bases from Afghanistan, where they can stay hosted until
A maximum of 14 days, depending on the sources.

Next, these people, ancient collaborators of the US government in Afghanistan, and their families, will be transferred to the United States or other countries with which Washington is coming to agreements for their temporary reception, have specified the sources.

The US government has enclosed agreements with seven countries at the moment, including Spain, to facilitate the evacuation and future transfer of the thousands of Afghans who worked for the country during the last 20 years and their families.

The agreement with Washington comes to join Spain is also exercising Hub also for the evacuation of Afghans who collaborated with the EU, who after their evacuation arrive at the base of Torrejón de Ardoz (Madrid) for its subsequent transfer to States
Members who will be their final destination.

In a statement, the United States Embassy in Madrid has indicated that the first US flights to Morón and Rota will arrive “soon”, under memorandum of signed understanding.
“We are grateful for the Association with the Spanish Government for almost 70 years, with the last 20 years in Afghanistan,” the embassy said.

“Our cooperation to lead to a safe place to those who have supported our collective efforts in Afghanistan is a will of the strength of our bilateral ties and our commitment as allies in NATO,” he added.

As the embassy explained, the signed agreement is based on “our shared values and our common mission to get people out of danger.”

In total, more than 550 people from Afghanistan have so far reached the Military Base of Torrejón on four flights chartered by the Spanish government and three chartered by the EU, according to the latest data offered by the Moncloa.
They will join another 260 evacuated in two spanish army aircraft, this Monday, from Kabul.

Of that total, about 300 are collaborators of Spain and their families, while 150 belong to the Group of Collaborators of the European External Action Service (SEAE) and more than a hundred are collaborators from the United States, which have arrived in Spanish aircraft during

At this time, according to the government, some 400 people remain at the temporary camp installed in Torrejón, while about 160 have already left for another destination within the Spanish host system and towards EU countries.

Thus, Sánchez has chaired this Monday at the Moncloa the second meeting of the Working Group that coordinates the operation of evacuation of the employees of Spain, of the Community institutions and citizens whose lives are at danger in Afghanistan, on this occasion held of
Face-to-face manner.

This group is coordinated by the Minister of the Presidency, Felix Bolaños, and the Second Vice President, Yolanda Díaz, have participated in the meeting;
the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares;
the Minister of Defense, Margarita Robles;
The Minister of the Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska;
the Minister of Health, Carolina Darias;
and the Minister of Inclusion, Social Security, and Migration, José Luis Escrivá.

At the end of the meeting, Yolanda Díaz, the only United representative can be defended that “strengthening solidarity welcome is our responsibility and commitment to people who need our help so much,” in a message on your Twitter.