The constitutional chamber of the supreme tribunal of justice of venezuela, was surprised Monday evening by issuing a judgment which suspends the current national leadership of democratic Action (AD), the oldest political party in the country founded in 1941 by Romulo Betancourt. AD is a member of the socialist International.

This award reflects the decision of the main opposition parties of venezuela, AD, not to participate in the legislative elections of next December. They believe that the new national electoral council (CNE), appointed last week by the same supreme electoral tribunal, so that this prerogative belongs to the national Assembly, does not allow the organisation of elections in democratic conditions to be satisfactory. The CNE is responsible for organizing and overseeing the elections.

read also : Venezuela: Juan Guaido in the process of marginalization

The supreme court has appointed its own leader the new leadership of the party, replacing Isabel Carmona de Serra, the president, and of Henry Ramos Allup, the secretary-general. It is the former right hand man of Henry Ramos Allup, Bernabe Gutierrez, who becomes the new secretary general of the party. Already last week his brother, Luis, who had yet displayed its support to Juan Guaido, president of the national Assembly and acting president of the country recognized by over fifty countries, including France and the United States, had agreed to become a member of the new NCA.

The new party leadership appointed by the supreme court “will be able to use the logo, symbols, emblems, colors and all other properties” of the party AD.