Sometimes, comedy has its bitter point.
This morning, the Samur has found Veronica Forqué’s lifeless body (66) without the cause of her death causes.
Almodóvar launched her into the stardom thanks to her crystal interpretation in What did I do to deserve this?, Although the interpreter already belonged to an outstanding caste of illustrious characters since her grandfather was the musician and composer José Vázquez-Vigo, his mother
It was the dramaturga and writer Carmen Vázquez-Vigo and his father was the producer and director José María Forqué, who named one of the most important film awards in the industry and that, ironically, were held yesterday.

In recent months, the appearances of the performer of Moors and Christians (1987) gave a lot to talk about for his attitude at Masterchef Celebrity, where he finally hung up the apron by assuring that he needed to rest.
As one of the most beloved and respected Spanish actresses with four Goyas and thirty films, the private life of the forqué did not cross by one of the best moments of it.

In 2014, the director Manuel Iborra was separated from his partner, after thirty-three years and a daughter in common, Maria (31), which artistically be called Virgin Mary.
The last stage of her marriage was a viacrucis since she fell into a severe depression, so she was put in the hands of psychiatrist, psychoanalysis and medications, which on more than one occasion was held secretly.
She at a given moment she came to say that “now I am very zen and in search of my balance” because as she confessed: “She was a woman subjected and did not know.”
And it was still further when the Virginia Club Orchestra Maker (1992) said that “he is a man I separated six years ago and that he has never spoken again. It was over because he wanted him to end, because I loved him
, but I could not stand it. It was very bland. It was a boredom of life. It looked like an old 80-year-old “.

Several months after the rupture of his marriage he died his only brother, Álvaro at 61 and in 2018 his progenitor died at age 95.
She on Saturday Deluxe She came to comment that she smoked María daily because she was like that she was more serene and she surprised everyone with a terrible confession: “I did not want to live”.
And she said it because at that time she thought that “nobody loves me, I am the lowest, the foolish one.”
Rest in peace.