It was a matter of time that the Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban pronounced on the ruling of the Constitutional Court of Poland giving prevalence to national laws on the Community, as predictable was to justify him.
Hungary has several fronts open with the European Union for undermining, such as Poland, the rule of law.
“The European Union strives to withdraw powers to the Member States without a treaty and is natural for States to resist,” Orban said through a government resolution signed by it and disseminated through the state MTI News Agency.
“The objective (of Brussels) is to gradually expand its powers by removing the powers that the Member States never gave in to the EU and without changing the treaties,” says the statement.
For the Orban Government, “The Constitutional Courts and the Courts of the Member States are very well authorized to review the scope and limits of EU powers”, so the decision of the Polish CT The first thing that allows ESTA is
which was the result of the “bad practice of European institutions”.
Orban is the first European leader that is positioned with Poland and therefore against France, Germany and the European Commission, for which there is no doubt that the EU legal system prevails over national laws and are of obligatory compliance.
The positioning of Hungary is not surprising.
Orban and the Polish pair of him, Jaroslaw Kazcinsky, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Government Party Law and Justice (PIS) share an ultra-national ideology and bench of accused in the EU.
Both have promoted reforms that collide with the principles and values that make the EU more than a free trade space and the two resort to the same defense strategy, threaten the veto measures that require unanimity in the European Council.
The European Commission, however, seems arranged on this occasion to put an end to blackmail.
According to the German Economic Journal Handelsblatt The President Ursula von Der Limen is in negotiations to try to apply for the first time the mechanism of law, which will condition, among others, access to millionaire funds for reconstruction after the Coronavirus pandemic.
In the case of Hungary, according to the same sources, Brussels will use against Budapest the allegations on the embezzlement of funds and corruption that has been collecting from the first year.
Orban will be informed of the step to give for the EU this month.