Queen Margrethe II is in quarantine, Helene Fischer wants to take the audience away from everyday life and Gil Ofarim’s lawyer speaks of a show trial against his client: Vip Vip, Hooray! – the celebrity week recap is here.

Due to the current situation in Germany and Europe, many people have lost any understanding of party-loving people. Especially for all those who squeeze into tight dirndls and overcrowded Oktoberfest tents on days like these and knock out a lot of gravel for overpriced drinks. Gas levy, the Ukraine war, inflation – all of these are currently driving people around. And sometimes, in moments when the Twitter trends lead hashtags like cough and poverty, only satire, humor and a break from everyday madness really help.

Quite a few have now acquired a certain gallows humor and can therefore also heartily laugh at the satirical memes from “Tagesschiss” or “Deutscher Jungadel”, in which politicians are put fictitious quotes in their mouths, for example FDP boss Lindner: “I I’m someone who comes from the bottom (…) after all, I drive my Porsche out of the underground car park every morning.”

Or about a meme that shows Federal Minister of Economics Habeck and on which the following slogan can be read: “I can reassure you, when the heating is off, you don’t freeze (…) you just don’t get warm.” Of course, the fictitious quotes about our politics only serve to provide good entertainment, which is becoming increasingly rare on TV.

No one knows how warm it was in Westminster Abbey earlier this week for the funeral of Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, or whether Queen Margrethe II, one of 2,000 maskless guests, coughed during the ceremony. The fact is: When she returned to Denmark, it turned out that she had Corona for the second time. Was the 82-year-old already infected in London? It would not be surprising, nor would it be the first time, if more royals tested positive in the coming days.

From her quarantine in Fredensborg Castle, the Danish queen may have even heard the good news that another queen, namely that of the German hit, is finally going on tour again. Queen Helene Fischer I. is back after her break. The 38-year-old announced this week that she would “kidnap” her fans. In a world far away from everyday life. A world in which we briefly forget to be angry that prices are skyrocketing and many now have to turn around every penny three times.

In an interview, the Schlager icon gave the first information about the big plans for the coming year. Also on the tour is Cirque du Soleil, which means that Helene’s stage show can only be one thing: breathtaking. The mother of a small daughter can still best recharge her batteries at home. So she revealed how important time off and her family are to her. She has become “a real housewife” who loves to cook. And because the singer, who is so approachable, knows that times are anything but easy for many, she has set herself the goal of enchanting her audience.

A report about a musician who had unleashed a huge media avalanche almost a year ago – with a scandal that may not have been one at all – also met with great interest this week. Gil Ofarim sparked a week-long debate in Germany about anti-Semitism, hostilities that happen every day in our country and around the world. But has the 40-year-old created public focus on a serious problem with a lie?

The video that Ofarim posted on his Instagram account about the alleged anti-Semitic incident in a hotel in Leipzig went viral. Now the musician has to answer for defamation. The trial begins on October 24 and is scheduled to last ten days.

Even if the verdict has long been pronounced for many people, the presumption of innocence applies here as always. The musician himself sticks to his statements and claims to have told the truth. His lawyer speaks of a show trial. By the way, Ofarim is currently on tour in Germany. It bears the title of one of his songs: “Everything for Hope”. A concert in Regensburg is planned two days after the opening of the trial. Not only the audience there will have many questions. Until next week!