The public mud fight over an alleged affair between Peter Klein and Yvonne Woelke also provided a topic of conversation after the jungle camp. Iris Klein was laughed at as a jealous wife. But now the tide is turning.

“I’m really not doing well,” said Iris Klein on January 24, adding: “I think what people are most interested in is why I made it all public. I talked to Peter a lot. He did also admitted many things, also that he was in her (Yvonne Woelke) room.(…) The worst thing was really that he always lied.(…) Maybe I overreacted emotionally at that moment, but when I When I experienced all this, it was a stab in the heart.”

For days there has been hardly any other tabloid topic than the drama about Iris Klein and her husband. Based on Heinrich Böll, one could indeed title it: The Lost Marriage of Iris Klein. At the same time, not a few are of the opinion that one can certainly speak of a lost honor. “It’s your own fault” should be small for everything. There are also statements like the following: “How can a woman over 50 behave so childishly and publicly address her marital problems on Instagram?” “They’re specifically looking for the public.” Or: “You’re just horny for publicity. All PR.”

Everyone has an opinion on the cheating drama. People make fun of it, Instagram is exploding, and the topic is of course also a hit for comedians, although one has to ask oneself: Is this still criticism and satire or has it long been disparagement?

But this story shows one thing above all: the woman is always to blame. Be it “the jealous” wife Iris Klein or the alleged affair Yvonne Woelke. Both women are currently being filled with hate and agitation.

Again and again it was said: There was nothing to the rumors. Oh look, Peter sheds tears on TV and protests his innocence! Hearts were painted on the beach and Djamila Rowe’s jungle companion Woelke was worried about her marriage because of the many rumors that initially seemed unfounded. At the same time, she spoke of having had experiences with “toxic relationships”. Both “Papa Peter” and Yvonne Woelke, who have known each other since the jungle camp in South Africa, vehemently deny an affair.

Of course, one can criticize that Iris Klein shares her marital problems with the public and thus cast a shadow over the entire jungle camp season. You can take that as a completely crazy gossip and also think that Lucas Cordalis’ mother-in-law has given herself up to the ridiculous. But by no means, the 55-year-old asserts, her action was PR: “I don’t need PR, what’s the point?” Her voice is low and sounds sad, almost broken.

We, as a society, are good at being quick to judge other people. Especially about those who we find little sympathetic. Everyone has an opinion, mostly an ugly one, such as the statement that “Papa Peter” finally “proved good taste” with Woelke. Iris Klein was smiled at for days and portrayed as an overly jealous fury.

But why was she looking for the public? “Other women cut their husbands’ ties, I wanted to spoil his last week together in Australia.” In view of the images that are said to have been secretly leaked to Iris, this is human and completely understandable, especially when the heart is like an emotional field of rubble with grief.

But the latest pictures and videos seem to be turning the tide once and for all. Peter Klein and Yvonne Woelke together in an elevator at Frankfurt Airport: She leans forward to him and the whole network speculates: Did they kiss there? The following hypothesis: Suppose the two only kiss friendly or goodbye. Suppose Peter Klein carries Woelke’s suitcase out of helpfulness. And suppose Woelke only leans her head on this man’s shoulder because she is tired and exhausted. As two adults who know how much media flashbulbs they are in right now, shouldn’t we ask ourselves what these images trigger in the wife and the viewer?

Either they are deliberately playing with the media because they have nothing left to lose, or they are actually less sensitive than is appropriate in this situation. After Iris was admitted to a clinic, cryptic messages appear in Yvonne Woelke’s Instagram stories. On a gold background, she writes: “I thought Silent Post was an old children’s game that adults can now play too.”

What Iris Klein needs now is rest and good friends who don’t publicly denounce her for having ended her marriage on Instagram, but hug her and are there for her.