General Mohamed Hamdane Daglo, commander of the paramilitary forces at war against the army in Sudan, visited Djibouti, the country leading regional efforts to achieve a ceasefire between the two, on Sunday, December 31, 2023. parts.

Djibouti is the last stop on General Daglo’s East Africa tour, his first official trips abroad since the start of the conflict in mid-April.

These visits, which also took him to Ethiopia and Uganda, come at a time when the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), a regional organization of eight states (Kenya, Djibouti, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Somalia, Uganda, Eritrea), of which Djibouti holds the presidency, is redoubling its efforts to bring to the negotiating table General Daglo, also known as “Hemetti”, and the head of the Sudanese army, General Abdel Fattah Al -Burhane.

The two men have not met since mid-April and the start of the war, which plunged Sudan into chaos, leaving 12,000 dead, according to a conservative estimate by the NGO Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project.

For its part, the United Nations continues to alert world opinion about the consequences of this conflict which has thrown 7.1 million people onto the roads, including 1.5 million who have found refuge in neighboring countries.

“Our great people”

The head of the World Health Organization (WHO) called on Friday for urgent action to address the worsening health and humanitarian crises, and asked the international community to increase its financial aid to “strengthen the provision of basic health services to the most vulnerable in the affected states, where at least 70% of health facilities are not functioning due to the conflict (…), control the spread of diseases and combat the threats of malnutrition”.

General Daglo indicated on the social network .

In another message on “Next week, as chair of IGAD, Djibouti will also prepare the ground for dialogue in Sudan and host a crucial meeting,” he announced without giving further details. A meeting between the two parties under the aegis of IGAD had been planned for Thursday in Djibouti, but was “postponed to early January for technical reasons”.

Previous attempts at mediation have so far only resulted in brief truces, which have been systematically broken.