Authorities received a new bomb threat to all schools in kyiv on Monday, three days after the first, the Ukrainian capital’s military administration said. “Kyiv police have again received a message about the mining of all schools” from Kyiv, the administration said on Telegram. The previous alert, which ultimately turned out to be false, dated from September 1, the day of the start of the school year in Ukraine. “Necessary measures” are being taken by law enforcement and rescue workers, she added without further details.
“240,000 schoolchildren began their face-to-face studies” this year in Kiev, against only 94,000 for the previous school year, the mayor of the capital, Vitali Klitschko, welcomed Friday on Telegram. Faced with the permanent risk of Russian bombing, shelters have been set up in 417 establishments that can accommodate up to 190,000 people, the mayor added.
If the fighting takes place in the east and south of Ukraine, large cities far from the front line regularly suffer Russian missile or explosive drone strikes. According to the presidency, 3,750 Ukrainian schools have been destroyed “by Russian missiles and bombs” since the start of the conflict.