“Another airstrike on kyiv, the 13th in a row since early May!” And, as always, at night. Kiev’s civil and military administration said on Friday May 26 on Telegram that the capital had once again been the target of Russian bombardment, using cruise missiles launched by Tu-95MS strategic bombers from the Caspian Sea. “According to preliminary information, all enemy targets in kyiv airspace have been detected and destroyed,” the Ukrainian military said.

In its daily morning brief, the Ukrainian General Staff reported 55 Russian air attacks over the past day, including 36 by explosive drones, and 4 missile attacks.

“An S-300 missile hit a dam in the Karlivka area of ??the Donetsk region” (east), the general staff said. “As a result, there is a great danger of flooding of the surrounding communities,” he added, adding that he intercepted all the projectiles launched during the air raids.

In addition, in Russia, a “detonation” caused damage to a building in Krasnodar, a city near Crimea, without causing any casualties, according to local authorities quoted by the Ria Novosti agency.

“The cause of the incident is under investigation,” Krasnodar Mayor Yevgeny Naumov said on Telegram, adding that the roof of a nearby building was also damaged.

In early May, Russia was rocked by a series of attacks and sabotage, including the derailment of two freight trains and a fire in an oil depot due to a drone attack. And on Monday, two armed groups claiming to be Russian attacked the Russian region of Belgorod from Ukraine, the most serious incursion since the start of the war.

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