kyiv, Lviv and Zaporizhia again under Russian assault overnight from Monday to Tuesday, according to military authorities. “New massive airstrike on the capital,” Kyiv’s civil-military administration wrote on its Telegram channel. According to her, explosive drones attacked the city in waves from different directions. “There are no reports of casualties or destruction at this time,” she added, adding that the alert lasted for more than three hours.

Air Force spokesman Yuriy Ignat, however, lamented “the lack of operational capabilities” necessary “to protect” the whole of Ukrainian territory from Russian airstrikes, which have intensified in recent years. weeks as Ukraine launched the first phase of its counter-offensive.

“There is a lack of air defense capabilities, to put it mildly,” Ignat told Ukrainian television.

In Lviv (west), “critical infrastructure” was hit by drones, the head of the regional administration, Maksym Kozytskyi, wrote on Telegram, without further details. No injuries were reported. The Ukrainian General Staff later claimed that 28 drones were shot down by Ukrainian air defense out of the 30 launched by Russian forces into Ukraine overnight.

Zaporizhia’s military administration, for its part, said that the town and its surroundings had been the target of a “massive attack” aimed at civilian targets. According to preliminary information from the General Staff, seven S-300 missiles were fired at Zaporizhia and its suburbs. “After a restless and noisy night, the situation in Zaporizhia is stable. Thank God, there were no injuries and no residential buildings were hit,” city council secretary Anatoly Kurtev wrote on Telegram.