On the night of Wednesday September 6 to Thursday September 7, the southern Odessa region of Ukraine was again the target of a Russian drone attack. This attack, which lasted three hours, was carried out with Iranian-made Shahed-type drones. “Civil and port infrastructure, an elevator and an administrative building were damaged,” local governor Oleg Kiper said Thursday. A truck driver suffered minor leg injuries. This is the fourth offensive against Izmail district in the space of five days.

Since the abandonment, in July, of the grain agreement which allowed Ukraine to freely export its production, Russia has increased its attacks in the southern regions of Odessa and Mykolaiv, where crucial ports and platforms are located. for trade on the Black Sea. The river port of Izmail, on the Danube, has thus become one of the main export routes for Ukrainian agricultural products.

For its part, the Ukrainian Air Force claimed to have shot down during the night from Wednesday to Thursday 25 Shahed drones out of the 33 sent “mainly” towards the south of the Odessa region.

On Wednesday, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis called for “urgent investigations” after the discovery of debris likely belonging to a downed drone on Romanian territory. The debris was found in the vicinity of Plauru, a Romanian village located on the other side of the Danube, opposite Izmaïl.

If it were proven that this debris belonged to a Russian drone, it would then be a “serious and completely unacceptable violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Romania, a NATO ally,” he said. warned Klaus Iohannis.