Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said on Sunday (February 25) that Russia had managed to get its hands on plans for the 2023 Ukrainian counter-offensive even before it began, and whose failure dealt a heavy blow to Ukraine.

“Our counter-offensive plans were on the table of the Kremlin before the actions of the counter-offensive began,” he said at a press conference. Questioned by Agence France-Presse (AFP), the presidency confirmed that Mr. Zelensky was referring to a leak of information.

Mr. Zelensky explained that to address “information leaks” in the future, his military leaders were developing several battle plans for 2024.

The great Ukrainian counter-offensive in the summer of 2023 came up against powerful Russian defense lines which exhausted the resources of the Ukrainian army without allowing the regions occupied by Russia to be liberated.

From now on, it is Russian forces who are on the offensive against Ukrainian troops lacking ammunition. kyiv claimed on Sunday that half of the promised Western weapons were delivered late and American aid, crucial for Ukraine, is currently blocked by Donald Trump’s Republican troops, the majority in Congress.