The Swiss Foreign Minister, Ignazio Cassis, said this Sunday that the meeting of national security advisors from more than 80 countries held in Davos must manage to “include Russian participation” in international talks to reach a peace agreement that ends with the war in Ukraine.

“There is no alternative to achieving peace that does not include Russia,” commented the Swiss minister at a press conference in the middle of a series of meetings between the advisors present focused on examining the peace plan of Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. .

That plan, which Russia rejects, includes the return of Ukrainian territory occupied by the Russians, the withdrawal of troops from this country and the release of prisoners of war, among other points.

Cassis reminded the rest of the nations that “there is no time to sit and wait and see if there is an agreement between both countries,” since “every day of waiting means more victims and suffering for the Ukrainian population.”

Regarding possible territorial concessions to reach a peace agreement, Cassis acknowledged that neither Russia nor Ukraine are currently prepared to make concessions of this type, but assured that today’s meeting is essential to prepare the moment in which Russia decides. “sit at the discussion table.”

He also praised the growing number of countries that are getting involved in discussions about the Ukraine peace plan, especially the members of the BRICs group (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa), which are best suited to convey messages from the rest. from the world to the Russian Government.

This involvement “demonstrates that it is understood that the conflict in Europe is a challenge for all humanity,” he added.

The Swiss minister and the head of the Ukrainian presidential office, Andriy Yermak, chair this fourth meeting of security advisors, which is held on the eve of the 54th edition of the World Economic Forum in Davos, a public-private summit that brings together some of the most important political and economic leaders in the international sphere.