One of the checkpoints on the border between Ukraine and Poland, Ugriniv-Dolhobyczów, will open tomorrow, Monday, for empty trucks leaving Ukraine, with a daily capacity of more than one hundred heavy vehicles, Ukrainian authorities reported today. .

“In cooperation with the Polish Ministry of Infrastructure, the Lublin Voivodeship and with the support of the European Commission (DG MOVE), we managed to agree on the opening of a lane for empty trucks weighing 7.5 tons or more,” he said. in a message on Facebook, Deputy Prime Minister for the Reconstruction of Ukraine and Minister of Communities, Territories and Infrastructure Development, Oleksandr Kubrakov.

He specified that “starting December 4, empty trucks, including tankers, will be able to begin passing through this checkpoint from Ukraine.”

He added that this border crossing, which usually operated only for cars and buses, will operate on a trial basis and that it will not be necessary to register in the queue to cross the border.

“The opening of Ugriniv is the first point in the list of measures we are implementing to unblock the border, reduce queues and increase the capacity of the Ukrainian-Polish border. We are working to lift the blockade as soon as possible, taking into account the interests of our market and the State,” he stressed.

Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Ukrainian State Border Service, Andri Demchenko, reported that this morning more than 2,500 trucks were on the Polish side queuing to cross the border into Ukraine.

Since November 6, three border crossings between Poland and Ukraine, and since last Thursday a fourth, remain blocked by Polish truckers who are protesting the negative effects that the entry of Ukrainian transporters into the European Union (EU) market has had. had on his income.