Donald Trump has announced, Saturday, 20 October, that the United States would withdraw from a treaty on the nuclear weapons concluded with Russia during the cold war, accusing Moscow of violating it ” for many years “.

The “Treaty for the nuclear forces to reach intermediaries” (known as the INF treaty) was signed in 1987 by the leaders of american and soviet-era, Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev. In detail, this text, which became multilateral after the collapse of the soviet Union (USSR), “obliges the two States to destroy all of their ballistic and cruise missiles launched from the ground with a range of between 500 and 1,000 kilometres and those whose range is between 1 000 and 5 500 kilometres,” as summarized today the united Nations (UN).

” Russia has not complied with the treaty. We will, therefore, terminate the agreement and develop these weapons, ” announced the president of the United States, during a visit to Elko, Nevada. “We’re not going to let them violate the agreement and nuclear weapons so that we are not allowed to “, has he hammered. The administration Trump complains about the deployment by Moscow of the missile system 9M729, the scope of which, according to Washington, more than 500 kilometers, which is a violation of the INF treaty.

mutual Accusations

The withdrawal is motivated by the “dream” of the Americans to dominate alone the world, has quickly responded a source at the Russian ministry of foreign affairs, accusing Washington of having “deliberately” undermined the agreement over the years. The White House “approximates this step for several years by destroying deliberately and not on the basis of this agreement,” said this source, cited by three major news agencies in russia.

” This decision comes within the framework of the american policy of withdrawal from international agreements and legal to give him as much responsibility as partners, and therefore weakens the idea of its own exception. “

The american withdrawal “is the second big blow against the entire system of global stability,” said a senator Russian, Alexey Pouchkov, the first being the removal in 2001 of the ABM treaty on anti-ballistic missiles. “And once again, what are the United States who take the initiative to dissolve the agreement,” he continued on Twitter.

Donald Trump made the announcement even as his national security adviser, John Bolton, was about to go to Moscow on Saturday to “continue” the dialogue controversial started in July between the president of the United States and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin. The adviser, known for his firm positions, was expected to meet on Monday with Russian minister of foreign affairs Sergei Lavrov and security Council secretary Nikolai Patrouchev.

According to the Guardian, it is Mr. Bolton himself, who put pressure on the president of the United States for a withdrawal from the INF treaty. It also blocks any negotiation for an extension of the treaty New Start on strategic missiles, which expires in 2021 and that Moscow seeks to extend.

In the background, the interference of the Russian

relations are strained between Washington and Moscow, against a background of accusations of interference in Russian elections in the united states. On Friday, a Russian has been charged by the american justice for interference in the parliamentary elections in u.s. on November 6 ; she is the first person to be put into consideration in this framework.

The Kremlin has accused the White House of having “manufactured” the accusations to impose new sanctions on Russia.

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The president of the United States had promised prior to his election to renew better relations with Russia. Suspicions of collusion with the Kremlin is weighing on his campaign team for 2016. A special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, investigation for over a year on this folder.

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In July, Donald Trump had been extremely conciliatory towards Vladimir Putin at a joint press conference in Helsinki, after their first bilateral summit in Finland. On 11 November, the two presidents will meet in Paris for commemorations of the end of the first world war.