The national coPortavoz of Poso, Pablo Fernández, has considered the attitude of its government partner on Tuesday “regrettable”, the PSOE, being contrary to be created by a Research Commission to the King Emeritus at the Congress of the Deputies.

“The refusal of the PSOE is regrettable to create a research commission on the emeritus and its alleged corruptelas,” Fernandez has criticized through his Twitter account.

The criticism occurs hours after the United States we can announce the registry, together with other parliamentary partners, of a request to create a commission of research on “the opacity in the sale of arms to non-democratic countries and the linked illegal commissions and for
Determine, where appropriate, the consequent ethical and political responsibilities, “as reported since the purple party.

The request has counted on the firm, in addition to United we can, from ERC, JXCAT, PDECAT, EH Bildu, BNG, more country, commitments and CUP.

However, given the arithmetic existing on the highway itself, the petition will barely travel and, except surprise, the votes of PSOE, Popular Party and Vox at the Congress table will prevent the processing of this commission, as has already occurred in various

The last time said parties slowed this type of initiatives was just a week ago, when the same formations requested the creation of this Commission to demand and debug responsibilities to King Emeritus.
At that time, we can only support the petition and, on this occasion, he has headed by the rest of the signatories.

Known are the differences between PSOE and united we can in relation to the monarchy.
A few months ago, from the purple party, the majority partner of the Executive was defined as part of the “Monarchical Block” for its reluctance to investigate King Emeritus.

“Every time we want to investigate the corruption of the monarchy in Parliament, they tell us that it is forbidden,” reflected on Tuesday the parliamentary spokesperson of the training, Pablo Echaneique, who, before the refusal of parties as PSOE to investigate it, wondered ”
In what sense “our democracy” is a parliamentary “.
“Let’s remove her surname,” he dabbed.