ACI: high intellectual capacity is the series that antena 3 began to issue on Wednesday October 20.
The chain offered that day its first two chapters, which are already available at Atresplayer Premium next to the third.

The new bet of Atresmedia is a Franco-Belgian production that reaches Spain after achieving great success in Europe.
In France he reached 10 million spectators and became the third most vision of the history of the country.
He also triumphed in Italy, with more than 4.4 million viewers at his premiere.

Police gender production combines drama and comedy.
Your first season has eight deliveries about 50 minutes each.
It has already been renewed by a second round of episodes.

The protagonist of the story is Morgane (Audrey Fleurot) an unpredictable woman with an intellectual quotient of 160. One night, while working cleaning a police station in Lille, she can not resist ordering the elements of an investigation on a blackboard.
This makes you offer a position as a consultant.
She accepts it, but in exchange for her collaboration she asks to reopen an investigation related to the disappearance of her first love.

Actress Audrey Fleurot (untouchable) gives life to Morgane Alvaro, the main character of ACI: high intellectual capacity.
She is a woman who is 38 years old and three children of two different parents, Romain (Nicolas Baisin) and Ludovic (Cédric Chevalme).

The protagonist is self-taught, very impulsive, optimistic, brave and never shut down before the injustice.
The elevated intellectual quotient of it has made life difficult on many occasions.
In addition, she maintains a complicated relationship with her mother, Agnès (Michèle Moretti).

Mehdi Nebbou (Homeland) embodies Adam Karadec, the leader of the police brigade.
He is 47 years old and is a perfectionist, meticulous man with great self-control.
He never breaks the rules and never surrenders when trying to resolve a case.
He will have to collaborate with Morgane.

Marie Denarnaud interprets Céline Hazan, the captain of the police station.
She is a 45-year-old policeman, hardworking and ambitious.
However, she does not care about status or appearances.
She is the person who gives the protagonist an opportunity.

Bruno Sanches has the role of Gilles Vandraud, a 50-year-old policeman who is easily infuriated and is hypochondriac.
Under the aspect of Cascarriers there is a very sweet man who is always making favors to others.

Bérangère Mc Nesese gets into the skin of Daphné Forestier, the computer expert of the police station.
She is a 27-year-old girl who is best given computers than people, since she is usually bothered to others with her nerve.

Rufus (Amélie) gives life to Henri, neighbor of the protagonist and his only friend.
He is an elegant 78-year-old old man who had a lonely life until Morgane crossed on his way.
In addition, he is the regular babysitter of his children, Théa (Cypriane Gardin), Eliott (Noah Vandevoorde) and Little Chloé.