The American conservative media group Fox has reached an out-of-court agreement of 787.5 million dollars (almost 720 million euros) with the manufacturer of Dominion voting machines for damages. This is the largest agreement reached by an American media company and the sum is compensatory in terms of rehabilitation and liability, said Dominion’s lawyer, after spreading the ‘fake news’ chain about alleged electoral fraud by the company in 2020 .

The scandal is sown in the US, after the accusations of fraud by Donald Trump -loser of those elections- amplified by the Fox chain led to the assault on the Capitol on January 6.

The case, which has not finally gone to trial, involves well-known faces in the country who have escaped the stand.

All the spotlights have been on 91-year-old tycoon and co-chairman of Fox Corporation Rupert Murdoch and his son Lachlan, co-chairman of the network. Murdoch Sr. admitted in February that some of his moderators knowingly spread lies about the 2020 election, but denied the network was responsible.

Dominion, for its part, claimed the opposite, that the Murdochs allowed the dissemination of ‘fake news’ about the alleged fraud. He also ensures that both could have carried out a more exhaustive control over the guests and collaborators that appeared in their chain, thus avoiding the spread of lies.

Carlson is one of the network’s best-known faces. The 53-year-old presenter made more than twenty programs that Dominion said were defamatory. Despite having denied the accusations, he was expected to testify at the trial. After reaching the million-dollar agreement, neither Carlson nor Sean Hannity, another of the Fox presenters sued for false content during their programs, have made any reference to the agreement, let alone on the air.

The CEO behind the strategy of the conservative chain would ultimately be responsible for the lies spread in the Fox programs. Scott, the first woman in charge of the information chain, hit two years ago by various sexual harassment scandals and discrimination was alerted by Dominion that it was relaying falsehoods.

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