The European Medicine Agency (EMA) supports the use of additional doses and reinforcement.
In Spain you are already putting the first and green light has been given to the second.

The doses that have been approved by the Ministry of Health are additional.
This is, which serve to complete a vaccine guideline that can be of several doses, the necessary to generate a lasting immune response in the person’s organism.

The reinforcement doses or booster are those that are given past a time of the first dose or vaccine guideline to make the agency’s defenses remember how to act before the virus.

The additional dose must be carried out with the same mRNA vaccine that received the first time, Pfizer or modern.

The reinforcement dose will be done with mRNA, Pfizer or Modern vaccines, although the vaccination guideline prior to otherwise, Astrazeneca or Janssen.

Since September, this new vaccinal puncture can be accessed.
According to a working document, to which the world has had access, the additional dose will be administered at least 28 days after receiving the previous dose.

From Facme (Federation of Medical Scientific Associations of Spain), they explain that they consider it necessary to organize vaccination in the healthcare framework in which these patients are.
“This improves the guarantees for its correct identification, and allows patients a medical information adjusted to the context of their individual situation, also taking into account the temporary relationship of immunosuppression with vaccination. Likewise, it allows an existing organization to be used for
The prescription and administration of the vaccine, integrated in the follow-up of their disease “.

At the meeting of the Interiorritorial Council of the National Health System (CISSN) three weeks ago, green light was given to a third dose of the VACID-19 vaccine to the elderly who live in residences.