Our emotional link with Winona Ryder will change according to the age we have.
If we have been born on dates near theirs – this October 29, the actress celebrates 50 years very well taken – we will surely have it as a generational idol, a reference of emotional fragility and dark beauty, because the first contact will have been, very possibly
, through the movies of Tim Burton, who was an early Musa – scheduled, with outstanding roles, in Bitelchus (1988) and Eduardo Haystrijeras (1990) -, or at those of Martin Scorsese -The age of innocence (1993
) -, and of course in that generational event that was Reality Bites (1994), one of the titles that define the cultural apogee of the so-called generation X, the years of vital disorientation and the tendency to the clash of grunge years.

Now, if you are younger, or have been clueless during all this time, the importance of Winona Ryder can be calibrated, surely, from its role as Suffering Mother in the Stranger Things series, that artifact ochentero retrostalgic
In a generously, the coffers of the Netflix platform for three seasons, waiting for the fourth to be announced.
The inclusion of Ryder in Stranger Things has been important in the life of the actress, because although although he had been working continuously in the years prior to the 2016 premiere, the truth was that his profile – which pointed to Superstar in the middle of
The 90- had been affected by another famous altercation at the end of 2001, and that for a while it gave him a bad name in Hollywood and prevented him from accessing certain roles for almost a decade.

And is that, for many people who do not see movies or series, the name of Winona Ryder sounds because it was protagonist of the first modern spectacle of the pop-related cleptomania in stores, a long-handed disorder that we have known that
affects many people – even in the field of politics, and not precisely by putting the hand in the public budget box – but that at that time it caused a tremendous impact, because it seemed to be and unnecessary that someone with so much money will be dedicated
To enter the stores to Sisar things that could have acquired with a simple pass from the credit card, and without suffering damage.
It was so iconic, Winona’s case was found that he even ended up being an involuntary image of Yomango, an artistic draft denunciation of intellectual property laws that arose in Barcelona in 2002, just as the debate on the limits of protected content piracy and
Trade brand logos.

Thus, in the same way that Winona Ryder now meets half a century, 20 years will also be fulfilled – December 12- of his arrest in Los Angeles, accused of stolen high-end clothing and all kinds of all kinds in Saks Fifth
Avenue, stock stores of Beverly Hills.
The amount stolen was not especially high -5,500 dollars, that the vast majority will seem a tall amount, but for a Hollywood star at that time it was clearly residual boile – and precisely because that motivated an uncontrollable impulse, the case
From the Cleptomania de Ryder, it was over becoming the great comidilla of the heart at the dawn of the post 11s.

Ryder on the spot, and was accompanied until the departure of the warehouses by two police officers who arrested her.
The subsequent judgment was also media: in 2002 she was sentenced to three years of probation, to pay a fine of almost $ 4,000 and to return the amount subtracted with a generous interest, up to a total of $ 6,355.
In addition, she had to devote about 500 hours to community work to settle her debt with society;
She did not arise that she entered jail because it was considered that the theft was a lower fault – was not an armed, logically, and in any other case this incident would have dodged public opinion silently.

But we talk about Winona Ryder, one of the most quoted actresses of his time, and immediately fall in disgrace.
The circumstances of the arrest and the mitigators that she exhibited in her defense – she argued that she crossed a depression by then, that she was very medication and had cloudy knowledge;
During the trial it was also demonstrated that it had consumed soothing as Vicodina and Diazepam, although without a prescription – what they did was draw a little appealing picture for many film producers, who considered it was not prudent to work with it, as it also happened at that time
With Robert Downey Jr., another talented young woman sunk in the vice well and the splurge.
Woody Allen, who had counted with her in Celebrity, had to renounce him again because no insurer wanted to take charge of the possible compensation of her if Winona was writing her back by the sites.

Anyway, even when the background has been touched, the second opportunities may arise, and if for Robert Downey Jr. it was the role of Iron-Man in 2008, Winona also returned to the cinema, at the beginning returning to the Indie circuit, with small roles in
ASIA Movies ARGENTO O RICHARD LINKLATER, and from 2009, expiated the years of desert journey after the Trinque incident, in large productions such as the first Star Trek reboot in 2009 or Black Swan, from Darren Aronofsky, in 2010,
Although, yes, in secondary papers.
The role of it in Stranger Things – with a category of protagonist – and the world success of the series, in a way, is what has helped him recover the lost profile.
Since then, he has also had another lead role in the Conjura against America (2020), the series of David Simon and Ed Burns for HBO inspired by Philip Roth’s novel.

Anyway, if someone is tempted to feel sorry for Winona Ryder, for so many years of lost opportunities for a take away those sunglasses, who do not worry: their sentimental life is stable – it’s a couple since 2011 from the fashion designer and successful entrepreneur Scott Mackinlay Hahn; Apparently, whoever introduced them was Bonus, the U2 singer – and behind those media boyfriends of his youth were, like Johnny Depp or Matt Damon. She even got rominated by a romance with Keanu Reeves, who never occurred, “he knows. During his difficult years he could resist thanks to the fellowships in the 90s, and even if he is not at the Hollywood Super Millonia Club, he does not go wrong either: he has a house in San Francisco priced in five million dollars, An apartment in New York, and its salary in Stranger Things rose from $ 100,000 per chapter in the first two seasons at 350,000 in the third. Do not discard, then, that in the fourth she gets gold.