The revival will not happen with an increase of taxes or duties, but by working more and now the power of purchase : this is one of the indices delivered on Monday morning by two heads of Bercy, Bruno Le Maire, and GĂ©rald Darmanin. Interviewed in the aftermath of the speech of Emmanuel Macron, the ministers both reaffirmed their opposition to any increase of taxation. “People are going to make precautionary savings to be able to pay their taxes”, said the minister of Economy on France Info, when his colleague in charge of the Action and of public accounts, said on BFMTV that there would be “no increase of taxation, which discourages economic activity”. “The ideology of tax, as it makes the unemployed more”, has hammered the new mayor of Tourcoing.

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However, there will be no more “drop the VAT,” repeated Bruno The Mayor, recalling that there were already “a lot of reduced rates on products”. The debt of France will therefore have to be paid otherwise, by “economic growth” and by “choice […] at the level of public spending”, according to Bruno Le Maire. “We will be working to repay in part our debt” and create the world of tomorrow, said of his side, his colleagues in the government. And specify that it will not be “just any growth, but green growth”, in the heart of the economic recovery.

For the time being, the return of the activity is therefore essential. Telework remains “desirable” to prevent the spread of the epidemic, but it is “not the panacea”, has found the boss of Bercy, adding that he believed “the social links”. “It is good to separate the work area from the place of life”, he also said. Consumption will be key to the recovery : it will therefore be essential that there is no loss of purchasing power for households, for Bruno Le Maire. “We need employees who can consume and participate in the reconstruction of the economy”, he advanced. A statement that has its importance while the multiplication of the agreements of collective performance could help maintain employment, the price of remuneration to be less important.