the energy revolution forward and make it less bureaucratic, to challenge the experts, to cut the green energy levy to zero – so, in fact, to be abolished. Currently, the levy that consumers pay on the electricity bill acting as a brake on Innovation, said the head of the German energy Agency, Andreas Kuhlmann, on Tuesday. For the partial funding, the Agency is proposing together with the financial scientific research Institute of the University of Cologne and the Foundation for environmental energy law, doubling the electricity tax of 2.05 cents per kilowatt-hour for the first up to 2030.

Currently, the green electricity levy, also the EEG levy is, in the case of 6.76 cents per kilowatt-hour. In the coming year, the black wants to reduce red coalition via a grant from the Federal budget to 6.5 cents, to relieve the pressure on the electricity prices.

Complex price of Electricity

A Four-person household with an electricity consumption of 4000 kilowatt hours in a year would then pay 260 euros in the EEG levy. A reduction to zero and doubling the tax on electricity would mean a further Delimbing of 4.5 cents per kWh, were the experts. Whether electricity would be exactly this amount cheaper, is not foreseeable, because the price of Electricity from several ingredients together.

the Green levy will receive about the operators of Wind and solar plants eligible for assistance under the Renewable energy sources act (EEG). The promotion should give more, said the experts, only the other way financed from tax revenues and the revenues from the new CO2-price Fuel, heating oil and natural gas, the 2021 comes. In the climate protection progress, you must get more energy from renewable sources and less from fossil fuels such as coal, Oil and Gas. Therefore, experts believe that it is important to reduce the electricity prices in Germany are comparatively high.