In Germany, have been detected since January, almost 200,000 Corona-infections. The curve is strongly flattened; the beyond less Hotspots grass does not have the Virus, but the relief magnetized in this country currently. In the United States, however, the top epidemiologist Anthony Fauci is concerned that you’ll very soon every day 100 000 new infections – in two days, as many as in Germany in about five months, although the American population is only four times larger than the German one.

And Fauci could have used with its cautious warning nor too low. Because already on Tuesday were reported in America 48 000 new infections. First hospitals reach their capacity limits. It would have to be used from Florida to California, from the Midwest to Texas and Arizona now radical to prevent exponential growth.

But that is not to be expected, because again, the Americans are in their irreconcilability of its own way. The most effective means in the fight against the disease masks, spacing rules, abstinence when to celebrate – mutated to the utensils of a culture war. In some places, masks are considered as sign of recognition for “politically correct”, in the “Mainstream” driving Left, the Drinking in Bars, as a badge of Patriotic stubbornness.

In Texas, the population is begging the richest country in circles around cities, such as Houston, San Antonio and Austin to the Governor outright, to local Lockdowns impose – the Metropolitan regions are all governed by Democrats, but the state is in Republican hands. In South Dakota, in turn, the Republican Governor will be happy to commit on Friday the eve of the national holiday, with the stated mask muffle Donald Trump at the fireworks display at Mount Rushmore, and has announced: “We will make no ,social distancing’.” Because, after all, the Americans celebrated the Fourth of July their freedom and this meant that you could stay home, if you are afraid of a Virus. So the Unwary will be ennobled to patriots and explains the Prudent poor Americans.

Trump makes dear new fronts on

President Trump is good in the pandemic, neither to the model nor to the crisis Manager, has been obvious for months. Nothing New on the topic already for a long time. He is limited to the higher number of cases due solely to the finally, a greatly expanded test capacities and to give China the only ones to blame. His rally in Tulsa in the state of Oklahoma, he held ten days ago, although the infection curve showed in the city already steeply; in the case of at least eight members of trump’s advance team was later proven the Coronavirus. Otherwise, the familiar Trump on his art, others to pour oil on the fire, or new fronts opening to change the subject.

Open the

So ignorant, brazen, and ridiculous many of the Statements made by the President on the corona of crisis are also, so very you should be wary of, however, prior to that, the fault of the misery mainly of him. The comparison with Germany is lagging because of the size of the country: of The roughly 330 million Americans, spread across the 28-times the area of the Federal Republic of Germany. For many of the particularly affected areas, the Virus was long an abstract danger, the spread in the big cities such as New York in the greatest possible geographical as perceived distance. The harder it was for many citizens to accept in their States in April and may, imposed restrictions placed many Americans in Existenznöte. The easier it was because some agitators, the restrictions as a plot by a life distant Elite “of the coasts” to dismiss.