The cost of living, both here in the United States and also in other areas of the western world, is such that the average age for young people to move out of their parents’ house is continually rising.

However, if you’re intent on experiencing the sense of freedom and true independence that can only be gained from living on your own for yourself and you see no sense in rental properties, then you’ve definitely clicked on the right article. Here’s a simple guide to help you save to buy your first home.

Concentrate on Working to a Smarter Weekly Budget

It will come as no surprise that the most important thing to remember when saving to buy a house is that you need to stick to your budget and if you’re simply clueless about what you’re spending your money on every month, there’s no chance of building your savings.

Work out your monthly take-home salary and if you’re intending on moving and buying a house or apartment with a partner, their take-home pay, too, and then assess whether you have any direct debits that you simply don’t need, or if there are ways of rearranging your debt for a cheaper outcome.

Speak to a Professional

Another hugely important aspect of preparing to make one of, if not the largest investment of your life is to speak to a professional who’s both experienced and skilled in helping others manage their debts, savings, and house deposits.

Seeking wealth management help is as easy as searching online for either an in-person financial manager who will be happy to book you an appointment at their office, or else a telephone service which guarantees that you will be speaking to a professional.

When looking for the right wealth management firm to suit your individual needs, look for similar cases in past and current clients, trust your instincts on whether you feel they can help you, and of course, review their performance and returns information as well as client reviews.

Eradicate Any Expensive Bad Habits

Next, you may feel affronted at the mere suggestion of having a bad habit yourself, but far from being just confined to expensive vices such as smoking and excessive drinking, there’s a plethora of bad habits that you may not even know are costing far more than you think.

That morning Starbucks, for example, will likely not only contain significantly more calories per cup than you think, but five dollars every working day of the week for a month soon adds up. Online shopping is another culprit, so try and minimize the chances of being exposed to sales and tempting deals on the products and brands you love by unsubscribing to every marketing email moving forward.

Finally another, not so much bad but potentially expensive habit is taking the whole family to eat out at a restaurant when it isn’t a special occasion or a certain event, as cooking at home will save you a substantial amount of money over a long period.