An actuator is a device that converts one form of energy into another. In other words, it’s a mechanism. For example, it can convert electrical energy into mechanical energy or electrical energy.

The Function of Actuators

Actuators are found in many different types of machinery and vehicles. They’re used to control valves, operate machine tools, and perform various functions. In that respect, actuators bring to the table quite a few benefits which are used in various industries. As a result, the advantages of using actuators include the following:

1. Efficiency and Energy Savings

Actuators are built to be highly efficient. They are small and unobtrusive, so they don’t require large amounts of energy to operate, nor do they require a lot of power to run. In addition, actuators save more energy because they’re simple mechanisms with no other moving components (at least not in their usual form).

2. High Accuracy

As mentioned above, actuators convert one form of energy into another. In doing so, they can measure the force (or speed) being put into a mechanical device or project. Accuracy is improved substantially when the force is used in the form of electrical energy to power the mechanism.

3. Low Maintenance

Actuators are simple mechanisms that don’t have any moving parts, which means they require very little maintenance. They’re also very robust and can withstand extreme conditions, like high temperatures and harsh environments.

4. Versatility

Actuators are highly customizable, unlike many other forms of machinery. Manufacturers can create actuators with varying speeds, positions, and power degrees. This versatility in design creates new opportunities for use and improvement.

5. Lower Cost

Because actuators are these basic mechanisms, they’re also cheap when used in machinery or vehicle applications. Compared to other machine components, actuators can be reasonably priced, considering the cost savings achieved through their efficiency and simplistic design.

6. Safety

Pneumatics are all about safety. They offer protection for the operator but also for the machine itself. For example, there is no risk of electrocution when using pneumatic air lines to power actuators because there is no electrical current traveling through them. Safety is paramount in many applications, and pneumatics can provide a safe alternative to many types of machinery with moving parts.

7. Faster Installation

Because pneumatic actuators are simple mechanisms, they can be shipped and installed faster than other machinery and vehicle construction forms. The ease of installation means reduced costs for large-scale manufacturers, such as construction equipment manufacturers.

8. Customization

Actuators are highly customizable and can be designed to fit a specific need within a machine or vehicle. They can be specialized for any particular application, which adds additional value and functionality to the machinery. For example, you could customize the pneumatic actuators in a backhoe to exert 350 pounds of force rather than the standard 400 that they’re manufactured with, thus saving time and money on manufacturing and shipping.

9. Portability

Actuators are small and can be developed to work with relatively simple mechanisms and equipment. In the factory, for example, this means that they can be developed for use in machine tools, conveyors, conveyor belts, and many other similar pieces of equipment. In the field, it means that they can be used in construction trucks or utility vehicles. They’re even designed for use in airplanes to help steer them during takeoff or landing.

10. Actuators in Agriculture

Pneumatic systems are used to help automate farming equipment. For example, the pneumatic system on a tractor can be used to sense when an object is in the machine’s path or when a crop has been harvested. Without it, farmers would have to manually adjust the position of their machines at each stage of crop growth or harvest. With this system, they only have to turn a knob or dip a lever once to start up the machine and then stop it when they’re done with it.

The Bottom Line

As we wind up our list, we’d like to mention that there are more advantages to using actuators. They’re used in a wide variety of applications, and they can be used in many different industries and settings to accomplish an almost unlimited number of goals. Actuators are used everywhere. They’re used for agriculture, forestry, industry, construction, and the military.