Siemens Healthineers want to take on for approximately 16.4 billion dollars (14 billion euros) to the American manufacturers of medical technology, Varian Medical Systems and its business in the United States to expand. The purchase of both companies would have agreed upon, the medical technology subsidiary of Siemens on Sunday. Siemens Healthineers wool acquire all of the shares of Varian for 177,50 dollars per share in cash. This is about a quarter more than the shares on Friday had cost the evening. The Board of Directors of Varian approved the Plan and recommends to shareholders, the offer to accept. The purchase of the American specialists to combat cancer should be completed in the first half of the year 2021.

The group’s parent company, Siemens, announced, the purchase price should be financed by a mix of financing from the issuance of the new Siemens-Healthineers shares and the issuance of bonds by Siemens. Siemens Healthineers is listed in the MDax index. Varian implemented in the past financial year of around $ 3.2 billion and achieved an operating margin of 17 percent. Finance Siemens wants to Healthineers the Takeover about half through loans and half by new equity, the Erlangen on the issue of new shares, obtain want.