A trade agreement Yes – but not submission to EU-rules: it stipulates, the London line, the Boris Johnson’s government has unveiled on Thursday. In the negotiations on the relations after the Brexit a tough struggle, therefore, for the EU side calls by the British for the Acquisition and future compliance with the European rules. In the published on Thursday a mandate from the British government for the negotiations is explicitly excluded.

Philip Plickert

economic correspondent based in London.

F. A. Z.

Werner Mussler

economic correspondent in Brussels.

F. A. Z.

British core goal of a comprehensive free trade agreement, according to the nature of the EU-Canada agreement Ceta, this agreement. Not only the different ideas about the future regulation are a risk for the negotiations, moreover, they are under a great deal of time, because, Post-Brexit-transition period expires at the end of 2020. In the negotiation mandate, the government of Johnson makes it clear that they would not accept extension.

According to the time plan of the British to are to June a broad framework for the agreement. If no sufficient progress has been made, it will be decided if alternative preparations for a Brexit, without a free trade agreement are met. This would mean future trade according to the rules of the world trade organization, with customs barriers. While it would be a “no-Deal-Brexit”, because there is an exit agreement, but it is a hard Brexit.

the EU calls for “equal playing field”

the main scenario should remain a Brexit with the agreement. The British government speaks of a “Vision of a relationship, based on friendship cooperation between sovereign Same, in which both parties to the other legal autonomy and the right to self-determination of their resources to respect, so how do you think it is right”. Crucially, the following key sentence is: “whatever happens, will not negotiate with the government an Arrangement in which the UK has control over its own laws and political life.”

This means that the British would agree to no obligation, “that our laws are to be connected to the EU, or that EU institutions, including the court of justice, any Jurisdiction, in the United Kingdom.”

This is the Declaration of war against Brussels, the ideas, the desire, even after the Leaving of the British, that they are adhering to a so-called “same game” (Level Playing Field), with equivalent statutory rules. According to the negotiating mandate of the EU, they have presented on Tuesday, must be equivalent to the “Level Playing Field” with Social, environmental, labor standards, and rules for state aid are included.