Podcast: is normal/allergy: can I react to sperm allergic? window.podigee_player_25683 = {“episode”: {“subtitle”: “”, “description”: “

Hautausschlag, Brennen in der Vagina, Atemnot: Es gibt Frauen, deren Ku00f6rper stark abweisend auf Sperma reagiert. Wie schmerzlich das sein kann, was dagegen zu tun ist und wie sich trotzdem ein Kinderwunsch erfu00fcllen lu00e4sst, erklu00e4rt die Sexualrapeutin und u00c4rztin Melanie Bu00fcttner in dieser Quickiefolge u00fcber Sperma-Allergie.


Sexpodcast-Quickies sind kurze Folgen von u201cIst das normal?u201d, in denen Melanie Bu00fcttner einzelne Hu00f6rerfragen aufgreift.


Ihr habt eine Frage? Irgendetwas, das ihr schon immer u00fcber Sex wissen wolltet? Schickt uns eine kurze Sprachnachricht an istdasnormal@zeit.de oder schreibt uns. Alle Folgen und Quellen von u201cIst das normal?u201d findet ihr auf www.zeit.de/sexpodcast.

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All episodes sound bizarre, but it is not a myth: re are women in which sperm leads to nausea within minutes. What can be done about it, we explain in Sexpodcast-quickie. by Melanie Büttner June 18th, 2018, 18:16 clock1 Comment

Rash, burning in vagina, breathlessness: There are women whose body responds strongly to sperm. The sexual rapist and doctor Melanie Büttner explains in this Quickiefolge about sperm allergy, how painful it can be, what to do about it and how it can still be fulfilled.

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Sexpodcast-Quickies are short episodes of Is this normal?, in which Melanie Büttner picks up individual listener questions. You can listen to current episode directly at top of this page.

Furr information can be found here:

  • General information about allergic reactions to sperm is provided by International Society for Sexual Medicine on its website.
  • A case report and an overview of previous literature have been delivered by Bassam Nusair and his team (current women’s Health review: Seminal fluid Hypersensitivity: A case report and review of literature, 2018).

You want to know why we’re talking about sex? You can hear all about it and voices of Sexpodcasts here.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email Melanie Büttner, Alina Schadwinkel and Sven Stockrahm to Istdasnormal@zeit.de. Or ask your question as a voice message. Take your phone and send us file to email address as well.

All episodes and sources are collected on this page.