The American Republicans have a proposal for another Corona-aid package of around a trillion dollars (860 billion euros) will be presented. “The American people need more help,” said the Republican majority leader in the Senate, Mitch McConnell, on Monday. The support had to be “carefully tailored,” while the country is stuck with one foot in the pandemic and with the other foot in the recovery of the economy.

The Plan provides for a further round of one-time payments in the amount of $ 1200 for “most” American adults, said Senator Chuck Grassley. He defended the intention to reduce the weekly unemployment assistance from the Federal government. The end-of-month the end of support in the amount of $ 600, the job seeker, in addition to the States paid help to get the people rested on made Grassley clearly: “people are not going to work. And what this country needs is more workers.“ There should now be no weekly fee in the amount of $ 600 and more, but wage-replacement payments in the amount of 70 per cent.

On the new aid package, there is a dispute between the Republicans and Democrats in Congress. The Democrats accuse the Republicans to have a new package to be delayed. You plead for an aid package in the amount of three trillion dollars, which includes, among other things, a continuation of the weekly unemployment help from the Federal government in the amount of $ 600.