Some have called it, in a joking tone, like the 10 minutes of peace. For 11 minutes Donald Trump’s Twitter account has been disabled. It is not so much a human error, as the service initially explained, but the farewell relief of an employee on his last day.
The first suspicions pointed to a hacker attack or perhaps a low for violating the terms of use, Twitter clarified the situation: “A while ago, the @realdonaldtrump account has been inadvertently disabled due to a human error.” The account was low for 11 minutes and has already been rehabilitated. “We keep investigating and taking steps to prevent this from happening again.”
Soon after it was discovered that the disappearance of the account was due to the revenge of an employee about to leave the work on the social network. “During the investigation we have learned that a member of the consumer service team did so on their last day.” “We’re doing a deep internal review,” they acknowledged.
Twitter is the preferred means of communication by the President. He was discharged in March 2009. Since then he has sent over 36,000 message and surpasses the 41 million followers. In an interview with Maria Bartimoro of Fox News last month she recognized that one of the reasons for her arrival in the White House lies in the use she makes of this platform. “You have to keep the interest of the people, you know.” “When someone says something about me I can go straight and solve it,” he said.
The president’s closest team has tried to correct this behavior. Their clashes, especially with the press, and their spelling mistakes are more than frequent.