The first decrees promised by the Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal, to extinguish the anger of the agricultural world appeared on Sunday February 4 in the Official Journal. One concerns non-road diesel (GNR), the other on the compensation system for breeders affected by epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EMD).

The first decree will allow farmers to request from February a 50% advance on the partial reimbursement of the excise on energy products (former internal consumption tax on energy products, TICPE) concerning in particular GNR, main fuel for agricultural machinery, for the year 2024. Previously, this reimbursement only took place the year following the expenses. Mr. Attal announced this change during his first round of responses to the agricultural crisis, on January 26.

This will allow farmers to have “a cash advance of several months,” explained the Minister of the Economy, Bruno Le Maire, on Thursday during Mr. Attal’s press conference.

“This advance, up to 50% of the agricultural reimbursement paid each year from 2024 to 2029, will result in an annual payment starting in February. The advance request will be made by the operator in one go at the same time as the annual reimbursement request. The amount of the advance will be deducted from the partial reimbursement granted the following year,” specifies the decree dated February 2 and which comes into force on Monday.

The Prime Minister also announced that he would renounce the gradual increase in taxation on GNR, which should have come into force this year.

Increase in the rate of veterinary care

The second decree was eagerly awaited by cattle breeders affected for several months by epizootic hemorrhagic disease. In particular, it will allow an increase in the rate of coverage of veterinary costs, which goes from 80% to 90%.

Losses linked to animal mortality will also be compensated up to 90%, according to a scale of amounts established according to the nature (dairy cow, breeding male, etc.) and the age of the animal. “Applications for aid can be submitted until April 30, 2024,” provides the decree.

Following the government’s latest announcements on Thursday, the National Federation of Farmers’ Unions (FNSEA) and the Young Farmers (JA), who had joined the South-West blockade movement, called for lifting of roadblocks.

Farmers have given the government until the Agricultural Show (February 24-March 3, in Paris) to implement its announcements and are demanding a law by June.